
Live Connected…

Understanding your connection is the key.


Be Transformed…

You are always Transforming and Transcending


Change The World!

It is your Journey to Change The World!

Welcome To School of First Thought

Come to School of First Thought

Let Us Connect You To Your Greater Self…

Personal Growth & Development Center

Awakening Center

Magic Center


Personal Growth & Development Center

Controlling Your World!

Awakening Center

The Power of Your Thoughts!

Magic Center

Creating Your Life!

Dr. Linda Richardson, Founder

Your Future…

Your Destiny…

Lies in what you are thinking…

You Must Think It To Become It!

Think accordingly…

The Universe is listening…

Creating Your Future…        

          One Thought At A Time…

Allow School of First Thought to Guide You…


Yes We Can! Create A Better Tomorrow!!!

3 Important Centers Within S.O.F.T

School of First Thought has created 3 Important Centers to assist you with Creating A Greater YOU


Personal Growth & Development Center will guide you to your True Self:

 Hall of Knowledge and Hall of Resources will be your guidance

You must have the Knowledge and the Resources to understand Who You Are.


There are 8 Temperament Rooms to assist you in awakening to your True Self.

1. Quiet Room  2. Attention Room  3. Visualization Room  4. Recognition Room  5. Inductive Reasoning Room  6. Creative Thinking Room  7. Concentration Room and 8. Mental Therapy Room


The Magic Center is where you begin to come ALIVE!!! You must be ACTIVE in PARTICIPATING in YOUR LIFE! There are 6 Activity Rooms for you to engage in while actively participating in your life. 1. Reading Room  2. Thinking Room  3. Discovery Room  4. Scenery Room  5. Music Room and 6. Relaxation Room

Write Your Life Scripts Today!!!