You Must Think It To Become It

You Are The Power!!!
Here is What I Am Saying…


This Power… This Magnetic Force… This Magnificent Energy… Lives in YOU!!!

It’s Your Birthright!!!


Listen, in other areas of School of First Thought (SOFT), it has been explained in several ways…

You Must Think It To Become It!!!

What does this means? It means whatever you are thinking, feeling, or being must come into your life. Whether it is good, bad, or indifferent IT MUST play out in you LIFE!!!

Let’s begin with understanding the Universal Laws of Nature. These laws coexist with the human body and the internal functioning of the human body. Believe it or not, these Laws take their marching orders from what you are thinking, feeling, or being.

Universal Laws of Nature


Study and become this information:

The Force Is Within YOU!!!


It’s Your Birthright!!!


Energy Packet (Your Soul)!!!


Increasing Your Understanding!!!
